The Australia and New Zealand Live Kidney Donor (ANZLKD) Registry was established in 2003 to provide information about the longāterm health and well-being of people who donated a kidney for transplantation. People have been donating kidneys for transplantation for many years, and the risks associated with this are very low. However, there has not previously been a formal mechanism to monitor this practice at a national level in Australia or New Zealand.
The aim is to collect data that examines the practice of living kidney donor surgery and outcomes from the donor perspective.
The ANZLKD Registry is run by the Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant (ANZDATA) Registry. The ANZDATA Registry is a collaborative body funded by the Australian and New Zealand governments and Kidney Health Australia. The ANZDATA Registry has conducted a similar project collecting information about people receiving treatment for kidney failure with dialysis and transplantation for 30 years.
Data is reported in the ANZDATA Annual Report in relation to living kidney transplantation. In addition, ANZDATA manages the Australian and New Zealand Organ Donor (ANZOD) Registry, which collects information on deceased organ donors.

ANZDATA Registry | Level 4 South
South Australia Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI)
North Terrace | Adelaide SA 5000 |