Scientific Articles
Survival after kidney transplantation compared with ongoing dialysis for people over 70 years of age: A matched-pair analysis
Bree Shi, Tracey Ying, Steven J Chadban
Dialysis Needle-Related Distress: Patient Perspectives on Identification, Prevention, and Management
Duncanson EL, Chr-Hansen A, Le Leu RK, Macauley L, Burke ALJ, Donnelly FF, Collins KL, McDonald SP, Jesudason S.
Multicentre registry analysis of incremental peritoneal dialysis incidence and associations with patient outcomes
Melissa S Cheetham, Yeoungjee Cho, Rathika Krishnasamy, Elasma Milanzi , Josephine Chow, Carmel Hawley, Jo-Anne Moodie, Matthew D Jose , Robert MacGinley, Thu Nguyen, Suetonia C Palmer , Rachael Walker, Jeffrey Wong, Arsh K Jain, Neil Boudville, David W Johnson, Louis L Huang
Kidney transplantation in people living with human immunodeficiency virus: An overview of the Australian experience
Lucy McMullen , Douglas Drak, Gopal Basu, P Toby Coates, David J Goodman, Alison Graver, Nicole Isbel, Wai H Lim , Grant Luxton, Frederika Sciberras , Nigel D Toussaint, Germaine Wong, David M Gracey
The impact on patients of the tertiary-primary healthcare interface in kidney failure: a qualitative study
Welke S, Duncanson E, Bollen C, Britton A, Donnelly F, Faull R, Kellie A, Le Leu R, Manski-Nankervis JA, Richards K, Whittington T, Yeoh J, , Jesudason S
Survival after kidney transplantation compared with ongoing dialysis for people over 70 years of age: a matched-pair analysis
Shi B, Ying T, Chadban SJ
Variability of toe pressures during haemodialysis: comparison of people with and without diabetes; a pilot study
Carle R, Tehan P, Stewart S, Semple D, Pilmore A, Carroll MR
Parenthood in people with kidney failure: evolution and evaluation of completeness of ANZDATA registry parenthood data
Danner R, Hewawasam E, Davies CE, McDonald S, Jesudason S
Prevalence and outcomes of end-stage kidney disease in patients with systemic lupus erythematous: a population-based study
Lao C, Van Dantzig P, White D, Rabindranath K, Foxall D, Lawrenson R
Long-term Outcomes of Single and Dual En Bloc Kidney Transplants From Small Pediatric Donors: An ANZDATA Registry Study
Eastment J, Ryan E, Campbell S, Ray M, Viecelli A, Jegatheesan D, Kanagarajah V, Griffin A, Preston J, Johnson D, Isbel N
Sociodemographic Drivers of Donor and Recipient Gender Disparities in Living Kidney Donation in Australia
Kim S, van Zwieten A, Wyld M, Ladhani M, Guha C, Dominello A, Mallitt KA, Francis A, Mannon RB, Wong G
The Diagnostic Performance of a Clinical Diagnosis of Diabetic Kidney Disease
Tan KS, McDonald S,
Associations of neutral pH, low GDP peritoneal dialysis solutions with patient survival, transfer to haemodialysis, and peritonitis
Chen JHC, Johnson DW, Cho Y, Cheetham M, Sud K, Hayat A, Stallard B, Clayton P, Davies CE, , Borlace M, Boudville N
Boron contamination and its risk management in terrestrial and aquatic environmental settings
Bolan S, Wijesekara H, Amarasiri D, Zhang T, Ragályi P, Brdar-Jokanović M, Rékási M, Lin JY, Padhye LP, Zhao H, Wang L, Rinklebe J, Wang H, Siddique KHM, Kirkham MB, Bolan N
Global, regional, and national burden of diabetes from 1990 to 2021, with projections of prevalence to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
GBD 2021 Diabetes Collaborators
Association of Primary Kidney Disease Type and Donor Relatedness With Live Donor Kidney Transplant Outcomes: An Analysis of ANZDATA
Yu D, Malacova E, Hurst C, Ng MSY, Mallett AJ
Balanced crystalloid solution versus saline in deceased donor kidney transplantation (BEST-Fluids): a pragmatic, double-blind, randomised, controlled trial
Collins MG, Fahim MA, Pascoe EM, Hawley CM, Johnson DW, Varghese J, Hickey LE, Clayton PA, Dansie KB, McConnochie RC, Vergara LA, Kiriwandeniya C, Reidlinger D, Mount PF, Weinberg L, McArthur CJ, Coates PT, Endre ZH, Goodman D, Howard K, Howell M, Jamboti JS, Kanellis J, Laurence JM, Lim WH, McTaggart SJ, O'Connell PJ, Pilmore HL, Wong G, Chadban SJ, BEST-Fluids Investigators, Australasian Kidney Trials Network
Vitamin D Therapy in Adults With CKD: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Yeung WG, Palmer SC, Strippoli GFM, Talbot B, Shah N, Hawley CM, Toussaint ND, Badve SV
Trajectories of systolic blood pressure decline in kidney transplant donors prior to circulatory death and delayed graft function
Lin Y, Teixeira-Pinto A, Craig JC, Opdam H, Pleass H, Carter A, Rogers NM, Davies CE, McDonald S, Yang J, Lim WH, Wong G
Balanced crystalloid solution versus saline in deceased donor kidney transplantation (BEST-Fluids): a pragmatic, double-blind, randomised, controlled trial
Collins MG, Fahim MA, Pascoe EM, , Hawley CM, Johnson DW, Varghese J, Hickey LE, Clayton PA, Dansie KB, McConnochie RC, Vergara LA, Kiriwandeniya C, Reidlinger D, Mount PF, Weinberg L, McArthur CJ, Coates PT, Endre ZH, Goodman D, Howard K, Howell M, Jamboti JS, Kanellis J, Laurence JM, Lim WH, McTaggart SJ, O'Connell PJ, Pilmore HL, Wong G, Chadban SJ, BEST-Fluids Investigators; Australasian Kidney Trials Network