Last updated March, 8 2022

Aotearoa NZ

Submit an EOI to join this Group

  1. Brief cover letter
  2. Electronic copy of a CV
  3. Email


  • Tina Sun (Convenor)
  • Scott Crawford
  • Lai Chan
  • Eric Au (Epi Fellow)
  • Kylie Hurst
  • Andrew Henderson
  • Katherine Richards
  • Natasha Houghton
  • Tze Goh

Lastest News

Aotearoa New Zealand ANZDATA Summary Infogrpahic 2020 Data – Released 21/3/2022

Successful appointment of Tina Sun as Working Group Convenor from January 2022

Successful establishment of link between NRAB and ANZDATA 2021

New Data Collection

Guidelines for Requests Relating to Patient Ethnicity – Endorsed at August 2021 ANZDATA Advisory Committee


Outcomes of pre-emptive deceased Donor Kidney Transplantations

Antibody mediated rejection

Extended criteria donor kidney transplantation associated with different health utilisations including data-linkage


Incidence and outcomes of renal replacement therapy for people with end-stage kidney disease who are not eligible for health and disability care in New Zealand – protocol for a retrospective longitudinal study


May 2023

November 2022

Terms of Reference