Our committees include the Executive Committee, ANZDATA Advisory Committee, clinical themed Working Groups and Registry Operations & Secretariat.

  • Leads the Registry’s strategic direction
  • Ensure compliance with policies and fulfillment of statutory responsibilities
  • Supports the function of working groups
Professor Stephen McDonald

Professor McDonald is the ANZDATA Registry Executive Officer, Director of Strategy and Policy (Australia and New Zealand Organ Replacement Registries Group – ANZORRG), Chairs the National Indigenous Kidney Task Force (NIKTT), Director of the Adelaide EpiCentre (Centre for Clinical Epidemiology), Fellow of the International Society of Nephrology, and Senior Staff Nephrologist at Central Northern Renal and Transplantation Service (CNARTS – based at the Royal Adelaide Hospital). He holds academic status as Clinical Professor in the Department of Medicine of the University of Adelaide, and Principal Research Fellow in the SA Health and Medical Research Institute.

Dr Philip Calyton

Dr Clayton is the Deputy Executive Officer of the Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant (ANZDATA) Registry. He is a Consultant Nephrologist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and his research interests include donor and recipient selection and outcomes, deceased donor kidney allocation, acute rejection, post-transplant diabetes mellitus and recurrent renal disease.

Dr Georgina Irish is the Director of Analytics and Reporting. Dr Irish is also a Nephrologist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and the Executive Director of the Transplant Epidemiology Group (TrEG). She orginally joined ANZDATA as the Clinical Epidemiology Fellow and uses epidemiological registry data to help both patients and clinicians make informed decisions about kidney transplantation.

Image of Kylie Hurst

Kylie Hurst is General Manager for a suite of Registies in Dialysis, Transplantation and Organ Dontion Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA), which includes the Australia and New Zealand Organ Donation Registry (ANZOD) and the Australian and New Zealand Living Kidney Donor Registry (ANZLKD).  She holds the academic qualifications of a Bachelor of Nursing and a Graduate Diploma of Nephrology. Her dedicated interest is end stage renal disease treatment, organ donation and transplantation outcomes and has a passionate interest in clinical quality registry development.

Image of Kelly Marshall

Kelly Marshall holds a Graduate Diploma in Critical Care and joined ANZDATA in 2021, bringing a skill set of organ donation, project management, and leadership to the development of two new registries. Kelly supports the Executive team as the Registry Associate General Manager.

Associate Professor Nicholas Gray is a Nephrologist, initially graduating from the University of Adelaide and completing his training in Queensland, Northern Territory, and South Australia. A/Prof Gray is currently Director Renal Services across the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service (SCHHS) in Queensland. His areas of research interest include rural health, chronic kidney disease and haemodialysis, particularly long hour dialysis. A/Prof Gray is the Chair of the ANZDATA Advisory Committee.

Dr Kotwal is a clinical nephrologist at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney; Program Head of the Renal and Metabolic Division at The George Institute for Global Health and a Conjoint Senior Lecturer at UNSW. Her research interests include novel and pragmatic clinical trials and she is passionate about increasing clinical trial access for patients with kidney disease and personalised medicine. Dr Kotwal is the Academic Project Director for the GKPTN and the principal investigator for the Glomerular Disease Registry and Biobank in Sydney. She has expertise in translating research into clinical practice and in-depth knowledge of statistical techniques, epidemiology and clinical trial design. Dr Kotwal is the Chair Elect of the ANZDATA Advisory Committee.

ANZDATA Advisory Committee

  • Data collection, including frequency, quantity, quality and type of data collected as well as methods of collection
  • Dissemination of information from the Registry (including reports and other publications)
  • Release of data from the Registry to contributors, government, industry and others seeking access to the database
  • Function and membership of the various working groups
  • Relationships with clinical stakeholders and contributors

The Advisory Committee will comprise the following members:

  • The Chairperson; appointed by the ANZDATA Executive for a period of 3 years
  • The Deputy Chairperson (and Chair elect); appointed by the ANZDATA Executive for a period of 3 years
  • Members of ANZDATA Executive (Executive Officer, Deputy Executive Officer, Editor, Registry General Manager)
  • Convenors of ANZDATA working groups
  • Representatives from contributing Renal Units including:
  • four (4) “general” members from contributing units (including at least one member from New Zealand) and
  • two (2) consumer representatives, from the ANZDATA consumer advisory board(s)*
  • Representatives (or proxies) from:
  • Kidney Health Australia – Clinical Director or Delegate
  • Australia and New Zealand Society of Nephrology (ANZSN) – President or Council Member
  • Renal Society of Australasia (RSA) – nominated by RSA from EOI
  • General Members of contributing units will be chosen by the ANZDATA Executive, based on an Expression of Interest (EOI), circulated as a minimum through Heads of Units, ANZSN, RSA and KHA.
  • Membership for general members and working group heads will be for 3 years, with an option to be extended to a second 3-year term in any given role.
  • Selection of nominee(s) will be based on standing in the nephrological community, skill set, productivity, ability to work with others and diversity (noting one of the aims is to provide a broad range or perspectives).
  • The Chair and Deputy Chair will be members of the ANZDATA Executive

There are at least four meetings each year, held on a quarterly basis.  It is expected members attend a minimum of 3 meetings each calendar year.  A quorum for a meeting shall comprise of 10 members.

Standing agenda items include:

  • Welcome, Apologies, Acknowledgement of Country and Maori Welcome
  • Acceptance of Previous Minutes and Action Items
  • Report from ANZDATA Executive
  • Reports from Working Groups
  • Update from Kidney Health Australia
  • Data Governance & Management Issues
  • Strategic Directions

Previous Minutes and Action Items

The terms of reference were last updated and endorsed in April 2023

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